Sunday, 30 September 2012

4 Pieces to Success

4 Pieces to Success Diagram
As the diagram suggests it takes to pieces to success. 
I posted this blog to let you know about the 4 things I will address when blogging about a completed task.

  1. I'll give an overview of the task and what was expected of us.
  2. What we were set in the task and what we actually had to do in terms of report taking and practical work.
  3. The approximate time it took us as a group or me individually to complete a task.
  4. I explain what I or we were planning to do in terms of design and final product and how the final product turned out in relation to planning and pre assessments.

Doing this will allow anyone who is looking at my blog posts and work to easily understanding and work out what I was doing that day and during that certain exercise.

Thanks, Tom A, 30th Sept

Saturday, 29 September 2012

Target Audience - Diagram task

My target Audience Diagram
The following is the diagram of what us personally as a target audience enjoy and take an interest in.
Target audience is the people that your product or service is geared towards.

Target audiences are used effectively when marketing a certain product or service. By aiming certain marketing ploys or advertising towards a certain age, gender and or common interests within a mass group of people.

This task was about putting your interests onto a page through form of the logos or symbols representing that certain thing.

We were instructed to open a new Photoshop document and copy in the stick man representing what gender we were, and then adding around the diagram all the logos and symbols relating to the things. We were also told to label the different logos into different categories so that it could be viewed more easily, and also to add arrows leading to those categories.

This task in total took about 30 minutes to complete, this was due to finding the images adding them in. And overall formatting the final outcome.

For my diagram I aimed to add a wide variety of different things from gaming to different websites, to my interest in technology also some TV and music were added. Even though I feel my interest revolve around tech I tried to ensure that any persons viewing the diagram got and overall look at my interests and wouldn't be limited to a certain area.

Tom A, 29th Sept

New York Final Cut Editing & Training Exercise

2P1 Tom A - NEW YORK FINAL CUT EDITING TRAINING from Long Road Applied Media Diploma on Vimeo.

New York Final cut Express screen capture
In this task we were told to create a short movie that consisted of pre imported clips of New York, NY in america. We were told to use lots of techniques previously learnt from lesson and in our own time, ultimately it was our own time to experiment with the software.
This editing time gave us a great chance to try and carry out previous practices learnt, for example the three ways to edit.

  1. The first way is to use 'in' and 'out' points, which is too drag the play head to the beginning of the clip selection you want to use and press I. And drag it to the end of the selection of clip you want to use and press O. The drag the clip from the viewer onto the time line.
  2. The second way is too use the selection tool to trim and extend clips. Simply click, hold and drag the clip you want down to the desired length. This method is great for quick editing in my opinion.
  3. The third way is too use the razor blade tool to cut and slice clips so that they fit much better into the project you are working on, simply choose the blade from the tools menu and move the blade to the specific place on the clip you would like to cut and click to cut the clip down to size. This method is creating for cutting clips quickly in my opinion.
I used used many of these practises in the final overall creation and production of my New York short film evidence of that is in the video clip throughout. Also featuring fade ins and special effects plus transitions.

Time taken to complete this task was between half an hour and an hour. This was due to adding various different effect as well as overall editing. Overall I found this task very enjoyable and it has set a good pathway to the rest of the year using final cut, as I am much more confident with the software.

Tom A, 29th Sept

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

The Are You Normal test

Are you normal? Results screen capture
We were given this test to do online which was composed of strange questions with no real certain answers just pictures that you can select that relate to answers. I found this test rather bazar.

I found that the final description I received at the end of the test was very inaccurate although I feel that the name was in generic theme with the TV show this quiz was based around. Which gave more of a biased strange outcome. I felt that the quiz was tailored very much so to the individual who would be taking the quiz. An example of a question is "Mother" and then you would be given about 4 pictures maybe random including a cat and a pair of scissors. What ever options you choose you will be given bazar results that at most times do not relate to you or make you feel weird.

Tom A, 26th Sept

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Media company logo exercise

Official Aperture Media logo  ©2012

With this task we really did have our first taste at the purely creative side of photoshop which gave many of us including me lots of confidence with the new software we were greeted with only a couple of weeks ago.

We were given the instructions to create a logo using creative ambition and initiative. The task was a great example of our skills just learnt in photo shop for example the use of shapes, imported fonts and imported brushes to make our own custom logos which we will animate into indents in coming days.

This task took around 20 minutes to fully complete because of the research that was needed and the fonts that needed to be downloaded.

I aimed to create a modern and stylish logo for my company. Nice and clean with just the aperture and the text.

Tom A, 23rd Sept

Fonts, Shapes and brushes exercises



The following is a collage of shapes all collectively put together from within the default libary of photoshop CS5.
In this task we told to experiment with different shapes on photoshop along with various colours  and shadings. This task was a practical demonstration of our new found skills in photoshop one of which is rasterising objects to add colour to individual parts of a shape. 
The exercise took 10 minutes to complete.
I tried to use a variety of different shapes and colours throughout.

The following picture is of the brushes exercise in which we were set to download brushes from to make a collage of interestingness. This task fundamentally will help in the future when needing to download and possibly importing different forms of tools into photoshop.
This task took around 15 minutes to complete.
I aimed to download a wide range of brushes to create a colourful collage of different shapes, which were different sizes.

The following is a shrunken A4 document in landscape mode with examples of 5 different fonts from
In this task we were told to download different styles of fonts and type our media company name in the different fonts across the page.
This task took about 10 minutes to fully complete. I wanted to try lots of different styles of fonts whilst retaining the same house colour which was black, throughout.

Tom A, 23rd Sept

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Club Flyer Exercise

This is the second task that was assigned to us.
We had to download one picture from flickr and one from google images and add different text using different styles and techniques learnt recently in lesson.
It took about 30 minutes to complete.
We used different image manipulation techniques for example inverse selection and cropping around images, we also used different text styles throughout.
Although I tried to retain an overall house style throughout of a jungle theme.

Tom A

Monday, 17 September 2012

Earth and Eye exercise

This was the first task we were assigned.
We were given two images and had to manipulate them  using features on photoshop. 
It took us overall about 10 minutes to complete the overall exercise.
The task gave us a chance to practice new skills and techniques recently learnt on photoshop and this task also gave us a chance to play around on photoshop and use some of the features on photoshop